Welcome to Austin, Indiana

City Hall Update       February 19, 2025


City crews will be picking up limbs every Thursday.

We are now offering automatic payments for your sewer and sanitation bills.

If interested, please stop by the clerk treasurer’s office and pick up the form.

Austin City Hall is open to the public now and masks are recommended for entry into city hall. We still encourage you to use the new drive thru window to pay your sewer bills. Payments may also be made by phone, mail or online at cityofaustin.in.gov. Please have your bills with you.  You may enter city hall by appointment. Mayor’s Office 812-794-6646 or the Clerk Treasurer’s office 812-794-2877. Recycling can be taken to the Sewer Department every Friday of each month from 7:30am – 2:30pm.

The City of Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Thank You,
Chris Fugate
Clerk Treasurer

Austin’s History

Austin, Indiana has a rich and storied history. Click here to gain insights on some of the most important points in that history. Learn about the town’s contribution in the Civil War and WWII, about Morgan Foods, and the many milestones that make up the enrichment of our city.

Our History

Austin’s Government

Here, we introduce you to our Elected Officials and give you information about their duties and responsibilities. You can also read our city ordinances, redevelopment commission, the tax abatement, and pay your sewer bill online.

Our Government

Pay Your Sewer Bill Online

Click Here

Austin, Indiana residents can now pay their sewer bill utilizing the services of PAYGOV.US.


1-866-480-8552 is the number to call to make payments or ask questions. To make a payment you will need to use your Pay Location Code 36005 (number for customers to tell operators to ensure payment goes into right place).

austin indiana