City Government

We want to introduce you to our Elected Officials and give you information about their duties and responsibilities. Please note the City Ordinance, Redevelopment Commission, and Tax Abatement areas we have provided for your convenience. You can also pay your sewer bill below as well.

Honorable Mayor Roger Hawkins

Mayoral Duties and Responsibilities:

The mayor is the executive official and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City of Austin.

Pursuant to Indiana statute, the mayor’s responsibilities include:

  • Enforcement of the ordinances of the city and the statutes of the state;
  • Providing a statement of the finances and general condition of the city to the city legislative body at least once a year;
  • Providing any information regarding city affairs that the legislative body requests;
  • Recommending, in writing, to the legislative body actions that the executive considers proper;
  • Calling special meetings of the legislative body when necessary;
  • Supervising subordinate officers;
  • Ensuring efficient government of the city;
  • Filling vacancies in city offices when required;
  • Signing all bonds, deeds, and contracts of the city and all licenses issued by the city; and
  • The approval or veto of ordinances, orders, and resolutions of the city council.
austin indiana

Clerk Treasurer Christopher Fugate

Clerk Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities:

The Austin, Indiana Clerk Treasurer is elected every four years at the same time as the City Mayor and City Council. The Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for the overall collection and disbursement of funds, the administration of the accounting system, the signing of checks, the city seal, and serves as the investment coordinator for the municipal treasury. The Clerk-Treasurer also oversees payroll and accounts payable and serves as clerk of the Common Council and Board of Public Works and Safety by attending meetings, preparing agendas and recording proceedings.

The Clerk Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining all City records;
  • All City funds;
  • Maintaining fixed asset records for the City;
  • Attending and recording minutes of the Common Council and Board of Public Works meetings;
  • Preparing and filing legal notices, budgets, ordinances and resolutions;
  • Annual audits by the State Board of Accounts;
  • City and utility financial statements;
  • Pays all City taxes (i.e. payroll, gross income, and sales taxes);
  • All revenues collected by the City and the utilities;
  • Responsible for all expenditures for the City and the utilities;
  • Maintains and coordinates all computer-technology needs to perform duties;
  • Utility billing, city invoicing, processing and verifying purchase orders.

The Austin, Indiana City Council

Current City Council:

  • Mike Hurt –  Precinct 1
  • Joe Smith – Precinct 2
  • Staci Mullins – Precinct 3
  • Trevor McIntosh- President, At Large
  • Brandon White – At Large

City Council Duties and Responsibilities:

Members of the city council are part-time elected officials who serve for four years and can run for re-election as often as they wish. As a legislative body, the council exercises many of the powers given cities through the passage of ordinances and appropriation of money. The following is a list of what the council may do and requirements one must meet to be a city council person:

  • Authority to fix the annual salaries of all elected officials
  • Authority to fix annually the salaries of members of the police and fire departments.
  • Authority to reduce, but not to increase, any other items in the city budget as submitted by the mayor for its approval.
  • If elected to a district he or she must have been a resident of that district for at least six months and a resident of the city for at least one year
  • If he or she moves from the district or from the city, the person forfeits the office

The council also has the power to form committees, either standing or special, to aid them in the completion of their work. Standing committees are permanent committees, set up at the beginning of the term of office, and to which are referred all matters relating to specific subjects. Special committees are temporary and are set up to handle a special subject and are discharged when the issue is settled. The council issues resolutions and ordinances.

Pay Your Sewer Bill Online

Clink Here

Austin, Indiana residents can now pay their sewer bill utilizing the services of PAYGOV.US.


1-866-480-8552 is the number to call to make payments or ask questions. To make a payment you will need to use your Pay Location Code 36005 (number for customers to tell operators to ensure payment goes into right place).

austin indiana


Tax abatement are available for 5 years for personal property, declining 20% per year, and 10 Years for the real estate with the amount declining 10% per year.  Additional local incentives may be available based upon the project and /or development.


  1. Hoosier Alternative Fuel Vehicle Manufacturer Tax Credit- tax credit up to 15% for the manufacture of alternative fuel vehicles. The manufacturer must agree to operate in Indiana for at least 10 years, and must pay employees at least 150% of the state’s minimum wage.
  2. Industrial Recovery Tax Credit- Tax credit is a percentage of qualified rehabilitation expense on properties requiring significant rehabilitation or remodeling.  The percentage ranges between 15-25% depending on the age of the facility.  The facility must have been in service in the last 15 years, and must have at least 15,000 square feet of interior space with at least a 75% vacancy for 1 or more years.
  3. Media Production Expenditure Tax Credit- Sales tax on personal property is exempt if purchased for use in a qualified Indiana media production.  The credit may be up to 15% on the amount spent in the state on qualified production expenses.
  4. Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit- Provides a credit for state tax liability for company research expenses.  Base year research expenses must be at least half the cost of current year research expenses.  The credit equals 15% of qualified research expenses on the first $1 million and may be carried forward 10 years.
  5. Patent Income Exemption- Companies with 500 or fewer employees may be eligible for 50% patent income for each of the first five years with the percentage decreasing each of the last five years until it is 10% in the tenth year.  Exceptions may not exceed $5 million per year.  This includes only utility and plant patents.
  6. Research and Development (R&D) Sales Tax Exemption
  7. Race car Sales Tax Exemption- All race car parts sold in Indiana are exempt from state sales tax. (This does not apply to tires).
  8. Venture Capital Investment (VCI) Tax Credit- certified investments in motor sports companies or other high tech companies are eligible for a credit against the Indiana tax liability equal to the lessor of 20% or 500,000.
  9. Agricultural Equipment sales Tax Exemption- Farmers may be exempt from sales tax for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, fungicides, and insecticides.
  10. Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) – refundable tax credit offered in situations where Indiana is competing with another state for the company’s site selection. EDGE credits is a percentage of payroll tax withholding (up to 100%) for net new jobs in Indiana.
  11. Hoosier Business investment Tax Credit- Provides credit against a company’s state tax liability. The credit amount is based on the company’s qualified capital investment, and the potential economic benefits if the investment as determined by IEDC. A company’s credit may be up to 10% of the qualified investment and may be used for as long as 9 years.
  12. Headquarters Relocation Tax Credit- Businesses that relocate their headquarters to Indiana are entitled for a credit towards their state tax liability of as much as 50% of the costs of relocating the headquarters.  The company’s worldwide revenue must be $100 Million Minimum.
  13. Industrial Development Grant Fund- Existing companies looking to expand or companies new to Indiana may be assisted in infrastructure projects by this grant which provides local governments money to make off-site improvements including sewer lines, water lines, roads, streets, rails, sidewalks, high technology infrastructure, and the preparation of plans or surveys for the construction of publicly owned facilities and utilities. This grant usually does not exceed half of total costs.
  14. Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credits- Tax credits are available for non-profit organizations each year up to $50,000 per organization for locating in a disadvantaged area.  Eligible organizations include housing, counseling, child care, educational assistance, emergency assistance, job training, medical care, downtown rehabilitation and revitalization.
  15. Voluntary Remediation Tax Credit- Offers tax credit on state tax liabilities for voluntary cleanup of a brownfield site.


  1. State Corporate Income Tax 8.5%
  2. State Personal Income Tax 3.4%
  3. Sales and use Tax 7.0%